How then can man be spending his pay
When his disciples are in darkness
How then can man be cutting his flabs,
When he does not working out
How then can man be working out,
When he came home in tire
How then can man claim to hath faith,
When he transgresses bounds
How then can man be transgressing bounds,
When he needs His mercy
How then can man be begging His mercy,
When he still doeth sins
How then can man be waiting
When he ought to do something
How then can man do something,
When he can do nothing
How then can a man quit,
When he is already in halfway
How then can man be walking,
When the path ahead is still in mist
How then can man be in glow,
When the sky is still grey
How then can man be certain of anything,
When he is uncertain for everything
How then can man be firm on his say
When he hath no leverage
How then can man use all his might,
When it may harm his comrades
How then can man be smiling
When his comrades are frowning
How then?