Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cacing anda hilang?

Baru sampai umah sabtu maghrib..10 jam naek bas. memang nak tercabut dah pinggang.

Alice in Wonderland memang tidak memuaskan hati. Tp memang cite die macam tu, tidak sepatutnye aku marah kerana kepenuhan tahyulnya cerita tu..

dah tukaq tiket..balik seremban khamis malam..Jangan aku sampai sane zurin ngan wajidi dah takde pulak..memang aku shoot pakgad (tibe2 beliau menjadi mangsa)

exam lagi 6 minggu, marah dengan diri sendiri kerana masih bengap..

teringat sambutan maulidur rasul, bergendang, berarak, bertasbih, berselawat memuji nabi, bercerita hikayat nabi..kan bagus kalau diiringi sedekah, charity, dan beri-memberi. Nampak signifikan kelahiran nabi. pendapat je.

tak sabar nak habes IB..tp cuak pulak..tiba2 dilantik jwatankuasa hapetah untuk Grand Dinner..Apakah???

hai Ilmu kaji hayat, ilmu kimia, ilmu ekonomi, serta ilmu hisab, ilmu keramat dari geneva, jangan lah kalian susahin aku, silah lah berdamping dengan ku wahai ilmu...

rse trkilan tak gi kenduri pija..aku salahkan bob kerana x tanye pja awal2 die available x 13hb..YES FATSO, I BLAME YOU!

walimatul urus encik ikhwan pensyarah matematik ahad lalu...semoga bahagia ke anak cucu..

mahu kaya..mahu kayaaaaa...mahu jadi ahli sejarah. arkeologi, membuat carigali monumen tertimbus..

sudah tidak ada idea mahu mengarut..terima kasih kerana membuang masa.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Oblong Kambing, Cheese, and Accepted

It is now 1.30 in the morning. I am indulging myself with mutton oblong-shaped burger. This is heaven. Good delicious food. With extra 1.50 riyar for cheese to be added. Mutton-lover will envy me for their whole life. This is damn good. Beyond words. Yummy.

I got a very good reason for not feeling guilty of eating after midnight. Yes, I am exhausted after revising Stats. Thanks to Dawa, I didn’t have to creep inch by inch to understand and comprehend those bloody shittos, though my speed was nothing in comparison with the snails.

Fed up with those questions, I decided to pack my stuffs and head back to my room. I walked together with my friends. One of them is a Christian. She is a Protestant who takes oath by the King James Bible. We passed by a class which had its lights and fans all switch on, yet there was nobody in it. So as she passed by the switches, she turned them off.

Seeing that, I said to her, “You know, in the Koran, there is a verse that says; Most certainly, the act of wasting is in relatives to (is that of) the Satans.”

“Yes, I know – Wasting is an act of Satan – I remember it to spice up my SPM essay.”

This irony makes me wonder about the real purpose of our education system, and where is it going. Asking myself this question, I remember a movie by the title of “Accepted”. In this 2006 movie, an old man was asked to disguise as the dean of a hoax university, to meet the main character’s parents.

So he pop-up the same question, which he later answer it;

“To create students who can get themselves a good job in the market with a good starting salary.”

After all, we are living in a capitalist world, aren’t we?
