Saturday, January 30, 2010

Of Bo'liang and Babikioq

Bo’liang is actually a Sik-ish word, which was introduced by Lord Hosni in his attempt to speak in Kedahan with one of his pets- Anuar. It refers to a game where we roll a heavy ball in a lane to knock down as many pins on the other end of the lane. The Englishmen call it bowling.

Neither any of us but Safwan and Afi Kentot had good experience with this game, yet, we all decided to embark on a journey to Seremban Parade last Friday to discover our hidden talent in this costly game.

Lord Hosni managed to make a couple “strike”. Afiq as a first timer, had his “strike” the second moment he rolled the ball. It is perhaps a bad day for both of our dear Fikh and He'. Our lane was so loud and noisy, with its flamboyant members wearing ketayaps in roars of laughter. Everything was delightful except for the stinky smelly bowling shoes that we borrowed.

That very night, we had a babikioq, another Sik-ish word introduced by Lord Hosni, referring to the English word- barbeque. The recipe for the chicken marinade was Jidi’s. And it was scrumptious. Sausages and boiled clamps, chicken and mustard sauce, the foods were nothing but awesome.

We even took a bunch of DS buttercakes and grill it. Those too were appetizing. Remy showed us how a burning steel wool can turn to a magnificent firework. Yet, it can be dangerous in the hands of the Rengitians and Bajaus.

The main event was the camp fire circle. We all faced the camp fire and played a game called “categorising people”. It was game, popular back in my good old days in TGB, where we used to name ugly girls from each class. The game continues as the category changes to “the hottest ass-ed”, “the most bitchy”, “the most hated” and other awful categories, which I am so ashamed to share them.

We, IB students and grown-ups, have no interest in playing such immoral game. But the game continued as we categorised the guys from each classes! This is the part where the host was accused of being gay for almost 40 times.

Leman, pian, siddiq, afiq, fikhri, nash, mamat, he’, blade,taicho, remy, hafiz, zurin, shaz, abe, wawan, isyam, nuar, arep, bagong, zaki, jidi, hazman, afi, roni and me. (wish i include all) what a good time we had, with friendship and family spirit in the atmosphere.

Well, in spite of these terrible days, we certainly had a good laugh that night. The happiness and togetherness, the pleasure and the exhilaration, the joy and the glee, the cheerfulness and the contentment, it yet was the most delightful night in my colourful journey here in Seremban.

The babikioq ended as the flame goes off and the doTA is calling. All stuffs was packed up and cleaned. Everyone helps. And toghether we all walk back to Farabi, grinning to a grey and unpredictable future. Everything is back to normal again.

p/s: Pictures of us playing bo'liang is not yet uploaded. It is just a matter of time.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rotijohn 14:2

“For God so love the world, till He gives His only begotten Son, and whomsoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have an everlasting life.”

The (Un)Holy Bible, King James Version. John 3:16

“For College so short of money, till She sent Her every student home on the CNY break, and whomsoever live faraway, shall not stay, but have a street life.”

The Boletahan Holy Bible, Lord Hosni Version. Rotijohn 14:2

Chinese New Year is around the corner. There are rumours saying that the college will be totally closed and all students are required to go back home, or somewhere else. This thing has never come out from Abang Ikhwan’s mouth, nor Abang Tamam’s . Neither Akak Shima’s.

The probability of such frightening thing to happen is quite high. The very night this news was announced by an MPP, we, the faraway-ers have a serious discussion. All of us suddenly admit that we have 3 relatives in Seremban. Aunt Ju, Aunt Sarina, and Aunt Siti.

Those who lives nearby seems reluctant to shelter us. Leman still insist of us bringing tents if we are to stay in his place. Taicho insist of a trip to Bayai. But I have to send her on Sunday night. She’s leaving for Melbourne and I really want to see her for the last time.

Living in somebody else’s house would be inappropriate as her ticket is at night, so in-and-out of somebody else’s house at our wish is a manner-less attitude. Syaqif offers help and so does Madam Ju.

Being interviewed by the Liverpool’s yesterday, I was asked for my SPM certificate. I don’t have it. Now come another problem. I have to get my SPM certificate on this CNY break. Going to ring the old Tun Ghafar Baba this Monday. Wonder how will day have their holiday.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Sudah 2 Minggu

1. Keputusan kononnya meningkat sikit, tapi Ilmu Hisab saya betul-betul mengecewakan. Teringin jumpa Peter Blythe dan belasah dia cukup-cukup.

2. Ashabul Entrepreno sehati sejiwa mahu duit, tak mahu makan, tak mahu hadiah. Teringin mahu mengadap Mem Jijah mahu mintak duit baki Semai Bakti II mana yang ada. Tapi tak cukup kudrat untuk bersilat.

3. Baru habis baca Atap Genting Atap Rumbia. Bahasa orang kebanyakannya amat molek. Teringin mahu lihat Sabri Yunus jadi Pak Abu.

4. Dewan Selera bertukar tender. Menu baru dengan masakan yang diletak garam, lagi ada sambal belacan. Tapi rindu Mak Syam yang senantiasa sedia dengan pangkal peha.

5. Sudah berbual panjang dengan orang Cardiff. Sabtu depan orang Liverpool pula minta jumpa. Teringin mahu pukul orang Glasgow dan orang Manchester.

6. Lari anak 1 pusingan ikut laluan anjing sampai Taman MPS. Afiq kini dilantik jadi Jurulatih Kecergasan. Dia yang beria-ia. Teringin melutut hormat pada Ciman.

7. Apa gila zaman ini orang bakar-bakar gereja. Serupa mahu laga-laga dua puak Samawi ini gayanya. Teringin ikut Elly pergi gereja, tapi rasa lain macam.

8. Lihat-lihat jadual peperiksaan akhir. Ekonomi kertas 2 sama hari dengan Ilmu Hisab kertas 3. Teringin mahu jumpa kepala IBO lalu pukul dia teruk-teruk.

9. Tenggelam dalam kesibukan kerja, kemalasan diri, ketakutan pada kalimat “final exam”, dan amanah bangsa. Teringin mahu berjaya.

10. Sudah berapa entri tulis Bahasa Melayu. Petang ini ada pasar malam di Ampangan. Teringin mahu tulis bahasa Inggeris semula.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lord Hosni Dah Nak Balik

Kuala Terengganu, 2 Januari 2010 - “Lord Hosni the Wise akan bertolak malam ini,” itulah yang diucapkan oleh setiausaha peribadi Lord Hosni kepada media awal pagi tadi. Berikutan itu, satu sidang media khas diadakan di perkarangan rumah beliau. Beliau berkata bahawa beliau akan berangkat malam ini juga untuk pulang ke kolej tercinta. Butir-butir perjalanan tidak pula didedahkan atas sebab-sebab keselamatan.

“Ya, memang pada mulanya saya mahu balik esok saja, tapi peminat terlalu mendesak. Saya pun tak sampai hati nak hampakan mereka.” Apabila ditanya mengenai tugasan-tugasan kolej, beliau enggan mengulas lanjut sebaliknya meminta wartawan yang bertanya itu diiring keluar oleh sepasukan pengawal.

Beliau yang akan meneruskan semester terakhir beliau itu terus terang melahirkan rasa bimbang tentang perjalanan semester akhir dan peperiksaan akhirnya yang kini hanya tinggal beberapa bulan.

“Ya, memang saya rasa gusar dan gelisah. Maklumlah perkara ini bukan main-main malah menentukan masa depan saya. Tapi kalau gelisah sahaja pun tak guna kalau tidak bertindak. Itu yang saya kecewa dengan diri saya.” Menutup sidang media, beliau amat berharap agar keluarga, rakan-rakan, peminat serta penyokong akan terus memberikan sokongan padu pada beliau dan mengiring perjuangan beliau dengan doa dan dorongan.

“Doakanlah kejayaan saya, kerana saya benar-benar harap dapat berjaya program (IB) ni supaya dapat melanjutkan pelajaran ke luar (negara), kemudian balik berkhidmat (pada nusa dan bangsa).” Ujar beliau kepada lebih 30 wartawan dan jurnalis bebas yang hadir. Dalam kesempatan itu, beliau turut mengucapkan selamat tahun baru kepada semua rakyat Malaysia dan kenalan luar negara- Bernama
